Competitions – Ngā Whakataetae

The competition will be open for entries in Term 3 of 2025 and is available to students in years 5-13 across Aotearoa/New Zealand. You do not need to be part of the Kiwileles programme to enter.
The winning song will be recorded and included in the Kiwilele Songbank resource, which will be shared with thousands of tamariki across Aotearoa in 2026 as well as fantastic prizes donated by our generous sponsors below.

Congratulations to our Competition Prize Winners for 2024

First Place – Lydia & Finn Clark
Lydia and Finn won a $300 Rockshop voucher and a Kala Tenor Archtop Ukulele w/electronics – RV $595 for their song ‘Hey There Friend’.

2nd Place – Maddison Aitcheson
Maddison won a $200 Rockshop voucher and a Kala Ebony Tenor Ukulele w/electronics – RV $475 for her song ‘Hello, Radio’

3rd Place – Maddie Ransfield
Maddie won a $100 Rockshop voucher and a Kala Solid Spruce Top Striped Ebony Concert Ukulele – RV $395 for her song ‘My Favourite Song is You’.
Songwriting Guidelines
- The work must be an original song, featuring the ukulele. It cannot be an arrangement or adaptation of another song.
- The vocal line should not fall below A4 (A below middle C) or above D5 (D above ‘high C’).
- The winning song will be sung and played by students in both primary and secondary schools and should be easy to play on the ukulele.
- It should be the length of an average pop song with lyrics suitable for primary-age children – upbeat and positive, with a theme that will inspire!
- We recommend you view the previous winners for inspiration and suggested chords (below)
Terms and Conditions
- Entry is open to all students resident in New Zealand, in years 5 – 13 in 2025.
- Only one song per student/group can be entered. Songs may be collaborative but all writers must be acknowledged (and will share their prize if selected as a winner).
- Compositions must be the entrants’ original work, this includes lyrics.
- We require a song sheet showing the lyrics and chords, accompanied by an mp3 recording (performed by the songwriter or by someone else if preferred). No videos please. (If you’d prefer someone else to sing or play in the recording, that is okay)
- The winning songwriter/s will be consulted during the process of producing the final appropriate and school-friendly resource that will be released for use in NZ schools in 2026.
- By entering, you grant the New Zealand Ukulele Trust the licence to use your song for promotional purposes.
- The judges’ decisions will be final.
Past Winning Entries
Now part of the Ukulele Songbook!

2023 – Be My Own Me by Aria Clarke
2022 – Butterfly by Aria Clarke
2021 – My Imagination by Anna Feillet
2020 – Different by Tomuri-te-awa Spicer
2019 – Smile by Hannah Milo