FAQs / Pātai Auau

How many people from a school can register for a login?
Due to copyright constraints we can only allow one person to register for a login to gain access to music resources. That person needs to be the Lead Teacher specified in the Kiwileles Schools registration form.
How long does registration last for?
Registration is for the current year only. A school must re-register at the beginning of every year. The Lead teachers login and password will be reinstated after the Kiwileles school registration has been paid.
How many people from a school can register for a login?
Due to copyright constraints we can only allow one person to register for a login to gain access to music resources. That person needs to be the Lead Teacher specified in the Kiwileles Schools registration form.
Does my school need to get a Onemusic licence ?
Your school should have a OneMusic licence that entitles you to perform music at school, take part in music festivals, photocopy music for educational purposes, produce recordings of school performances and communicate music on a school intranet. You may reproduce songs from this password protected page only in accordance with this licence. This ensures your school is copyright compliant.
How does my school obtain a OneMusic Licence?
The OneMusic licence is administered through the NZSTA. To obtain a licence for your school, email the NZSTA Copyright Coordinator on copyright@nzsta.org.nz, or call 0800 663 486. Check out this guide provided by OneMusic NZ.
Why Get a OneMusic Licence?
We believe there are good reasons to ensure your school has a OneMusic licence from APRA/AMCOS.
Where appropriate, we ensure that your school’s registration fee for the NZ Kiwilele website goes to the appropriate composers / publishers and we are often thanked for our efforts to do the right thing and for respecting their music.
“I probably won’t get caught anyway, right?” You might be right. However copyright compliance is not only a legal obligation, but a professional responsibility.
We believe it is important for teachers to demonstrate respect for copyright rules. In adopting copyright best practice, teachers promote a culture of copyright awareness and model appropriate behaviour for students.