Who We Are / Ko Wai Mātou
NZUT Ambassador – Te Atamira Jennifer Ward-Lealand
NZUT Ambassador – Suzy Cato

Ngā Kaitiaki o te Rūnanga Ukurere o Aotearoa
New Zealand Ukulele Trust Board
We are the proud recipients of the 2024 Baysting Prize for Children’s Champion. This prize is presented at the APRA AMCOS NZ Children’s Music Awards to an individual, group, or organisation each year who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to the development and wellbeing of the tamariki of Aotearoa.
Current Trustees

Tim Carson (Tiamana / Chair)
Inspired by his work wife and mentor, Maria Winder, Tim believes that every child in Aotearoa New Zealand should have access to quality music education. He is an EdD candidate investigating how the ukulele can foster self-regulated learning in the primary classroom.

Ali Caldwell (Education Manager)
Ali is a passionate music educator who believes every child deserves to discover their musical talent in a supportive, safe, and well-resourced musical environment. She has organised the annual Ōtepoti Dunedin Ukulele Jam since 2010 with colleagues from Music Education Otago.

Andrew Phillips
Andrew is passionate about the ukulele’s educational potential and its ability to empower Aotearoa’s tamariki to achieve their musical goals. He brings a wealth of legal and regulatory experience to the board.

Sean Dean
Sean is a primary school teacher who has always been impressed with the way his students take to the ukulele and how it opens up opportunities for music, songs, poetry, and lyrics. His sage and pragmatic ideas and advice continue to be an asset to the Trust.

Bron Edwards-Pattinson
Bron joined the Trust in 2022 and has been generously giving her time and expertise to support our website and all things technical. She is driven by her strong belief that as many children as possible should be supported in their musical education through the ukulele.

Ajay Ravindran
Ajay brings his experience in science/technology startups, youth empowerment, public policy, and foreign affairs to the work of the Trust. He believes that music is such an important part of life and the ukulele offers a fantastic opportunity for all people to develop a positive relationship with the arts and to engage with waiata Māori.

Ian Curry
Ian brings a wealth of knowledge to the board, having led Information Security programmes at multinational organisations, handling strategy, risk assessment, architecture, and policy development. In addition, he is mentoring a colleague from PwC, Kane Evans, as a shadow board member.

Trevania Walbaekken
Trevania is a committed, passionate, and dedicated Primary Music Educator. Her passions align in Matauranga Māori spaces of learning such as wānanga, rumaki teaching and learning across a range of governance boards for strategic planning.

David Čiurlionis (Community Engagement Coordinator)
We are thrilled that David has joined us in 2025 – we look forward to his skill set in strategic planning, project management, and interpersonal communication supporting the Trust’s kaupapa, as well as his commendable track record in the charity sector.

Philip Griffin (Musical Director)
Phillip is an expert in stringed and fretted instruments, a composer and arranger of music for ukulele orchestras, and has taught in classrooms in New Zealand and Australia. We are very fortunate to have him as the musical director for our Songbank.

Ambassador – Suzy Cato
We were delighted to welcome Suzy Cato as a Kiwileles Ambassador in 2023. Suzy is a much loved entertainer, radio host, TV presenter & producer ad we have been thrilled to have her as an MC for our Auckland Kiwilele Jams.

Founding Trustee – Kevin Fogarty
Kevin Fogarty was one of the founding Trustees in 2008 and served as an active Trustee from 2008-2010. He is the composer of the Kiwi Ukulele song (The Kiwileles Theme Song), which is still a regular part of Kiwilele Jams across the motu.

Life Member – Maria Winder
Maria was a founding Trustee and Director of Music Education for the NZ Ukulele Trust (2007-2021). She was awarded an MNZM for services to music education in the 2020 Queen’s Birthday honours.

Life Member –Masina Taulapapa
Masina Taulapapa was a trustee from Apr 2020 – Sep 2022 and during her time as co-chair, she skilfully guided the board through the most challenging of times during the pandemic, setting the NZUT up to be the national organisation we are today.
Kiwileles School 2025
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